Friday, May 27, 2005

And a sickness descended upon him ...

Well, V/Line has been safe from my whinges this week only because I've spent the week at home trying to recover from a particularly nasty cold and cough that laid me out in bed for 3 days.

The irony is that the previous week I had gotten my flu shot!

At least I didn't inflict my sickness upon fellow travellers or workmates, like alot of people seem to do.

So that's my whinge for this week ... if you are really sick ... stay home & don't spread the germs!


Blogger Connex Whinger said...

Good theory about the germs VLW. Only problem is that by the time you have the symptoms you're already past the most contagious point so you've given it to everybody already! That's the reason I don't get flu shots.

30/5/05 9:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't waste your money. Flu shots are a waste of time. Think of the positive though - you didn't have to travel to work on the train ;)

1/6/05 12:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya vline whinger. great blog btw. I haven't read the entire history of your blog but thought I would fill you in that I heard from a friend who works at the docks that the new trains don't fit in our system. I can't remember if it's wheel size or can't fit into the tunnels but apparently the word was they were going to be shipped back to whence they came!

1/6/05 12:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your going to love the bus substitution from 11 June to July. No word on when the trains come back though...

3/6/05 2:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your going to love the bus substitution from 11 June to July. No word on when the trains come back though...

3/6/05 2:34 pm  

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